how to plan a one year old birthday party

WELL I definitely DON'T know how to plan a 1yr old birthday party. I don't think I've been to more than two of them in my life. I can't seem to get beyond food and house cleaning, both of which kids don't really care about. 

I'm going to try and do this without letting it take over my life AND still invite everyone we know. 


Here are some things probably not on the list, but flowing out of my head: Dance party, craft party, candy bar, free yoga for everyone. WHAT. 

But really, here's my mood board. I'm a visual person. 

scoutfolks lunascout mood board - first birthday party

scoutfolks lunascout mood board - first birthday party

All photos from the Selby: here, here, here, here.  ( I hardcore love Selby) and paper moon here

Ok all I really want is one cute picture of my little bug with cake. And beer and tacos for my friends. 

Ugh, this is like a wedding.  More to come on this subject soon. 




made in the USA kids fashion roundup

There are a LOT of kids fashion prospects out there right now. Here are a few that I've fallen in love with.  (AND A SHAMELESS PLUG FOR MY SPIRIT BIRD SHIRT, OBVIOUSLY) 

scout folks spring kid fashion - all made in the usa

scout folks spring kid fashion - all made in the usa

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

These are all made in the states. I just bought the zuzii oxfords for Luna and I CAN'T WAIT for them to get here. I also bought these from Neve and Hawk and they're the softest pants ever, I wish they fit me. 

I gotta start sewing some more scout folks stuff to keep up with all my photoshoot purchases. 

xo / ally

the (mostly) vegan marriage

Ally edit: This is the first blog post from one of my dearest friends and best people I know, Marissa Hewko. She's going to be writing about her food love, cooking, lifestyle, dogs, love, loss, everything. I'm so very proud she's joined our story.  end Ally edit. 


Like everyone in the world, my husband Johnathon was born a vegetarian. The thing is, he stayed that way…like, never-had-a-hamburger-vegetarian. When we first started dating, I’d force-feed him bites of my carnitas and laugh at him when he said bacon smelled gross. When we got married, I was working at a restaurant, meaning evenings were spent at work, not at home. Which left Johnathon on his own for dinner. I’d usually scarf down some faulty plate the chefs made that night and he would create some weird can of beans atop lettuce with salsa on it and call it a burrito bowl.

When I got a new job with “normal” hours, we began to have dinners together nightly. This created two issues; one: I felt guilty for making meals that contained meat in them because I knew it did not correlate with my husband’s ideals, and two: I was way too lazy to make a veg dish for him and a meat dish for me. So that’s how it happened. We both became vegetarians. I would mostly make cop-out vegetarian dishes like pasta, or tofu stir-fry, things that had zero thought involved. Somewhere along the way, between watching documentaries and blood test results, we decided to take animal product completely out of our diet. That’s when the passion for cooking came flooding in; crazy, obsessive, creative, passion.

I didn’t want to just make a pizza with fake vegan mozzarella topped with tofurkey, or resort to just throwing a bunch of vegetables in the oven with olive oil and calling it dinner (not that there’s anything wrong with that). It wasn’t just about cutting animal out of our diet, it was about putting better, whole, unprocessed foods in our bodies. I had to be innovative and be willing to put thought into every night’s meals and plan them in advance.

It takes effort, but the resulting food is worth it, and most of all, it makes me HAPPY. If I don’t cook for a week, I get depressed - the combination of healthy fuel and expanding my creativity makes me feel fulfilled. It doesn't hurt that my husband does all the dishes every night, and it really doesn't hurt that he's more than happy to eat everything. 

Every Sunday, I pick out meals for the week, gaining inspiration from various vegan food blogs and finding the accidentally vegan recipes in cookbooks I already own. I try not to make the same thing twice in a month, mostly because I get bored eating the same thing all the time and cooking the same thing all the time. I make a grocery list, and shop on Sunday for the entire week. Johnathon says whenever he looks at our shopping card, he doesn’t see a single thing that looks delicious, but then magically, he’s licking his plate every night. That’s the thing with cooking with whole ingredients, they don’t look like much until you transform them, that’s when their beauty comes out.

I look forward to every night that I get to spend with my husband in the kitchen and eating together at the dining room table…and curled up on the couch on lazy evenings. Our kitchen is small so we are forced to be in close contact, sneaking tush squeezes. During dinner we get to talk about our day, vent, rejoice, kiss and be thankful for the little family we have.

I hope you enjoy my food ideas, and feel free to contact me with questions or high fives. 

The pictured foodgasm is an amazing vegan enchilada casserole, recipe coming soon. 

a story about the store

So I finally started selling little t-shirts! It's been a long time coming, and I already can't wait for the next 'line,' if we're going to call it that. We're also working on some jewelry and other goods.  The goal is to have a dry goods store that supports artisans and contributes to a charity. 

I know it doesn't look like much, but It's been an emotional process. I'm really happy and proud of myself for actually doing it! l haven't sold a million, but enough to make me feel special and happy/surprised that people want to buy my art. 

There is a LOT of competition. But that's the game--It doesn't have to be a bad thing. I want to stand out, so I'll take measures to be authentic and serve a market. I think I need to try a little harder to be cool.....but for now, we just want to make awesome things. I feel ALIVE when I'm up at night sketching and creating. It's the one thing that wards off depression for me. Besides cookies. 

One of our goals with this project is to convince our kids that being an artist is a job, just like any other job. I have a full time job. Ben, Courtney, Michael and most of my peers have full-time jobs. We all work our tits off to make things work. We're working at night and taking care of a baby at the same time. But we believe in art, and think that eventually economies will come to accept hand-made as the superior product.

SO, cheers to YOUR art, and to you for supporting us as we get a little crazy. We love you, and we want you and your families to believe in yourselves. 

This band played at our friends' fundraiser and Luna was absolutely smitten. I think I am too. Moonsville Collective.

sausage party in Venice // Courtney and Ally

by Courtney and Ally

[Courtney is the stylish one and Ally always has a baby strapped to her.]

[Courtney is the stylish one and Ally always has a baby strapped to her.]

HELLO! We are the main contributors to Scout Folks (for now), still learning to navigate our voices on this forum. Here's a little intro to our dynamic.

Ally: You can read more in the About Us. But for now: Courtney and I live too far apart, but spend a lot of time together. We've been through a few life changes together, and WAY too many hair changes. We're the kind of people that will send each other the exact same photo at the exact same moment. We are hatching a secret plan to spend every family vacation together. 

Courtney: We were lucky enough to find our tribe in Venice this past weekend. It was a rainy weekend, so we cozied up at Wurstkuche with some heavy German food. 

Ally: I pretty much suggest Wurstkuche every time we set foot in LA. 

Courtney: We met up with the folks over at Girl and The Abode and Styled by Katie. I am blessed to be able to call these girls family; as the years have gone by those lines have blurred between family and friendship. It has evolved into something quite rare and beautiful. The friendship is raw, and we can share our deepest thoughts amongst each other, as well as design ideas. 


Courtney: I also love Wurstkuche. They have vegetarian smoked apple sage to crocodile to pork andouille to...every flavor of sausage. My mouth is watering just dreaming about it.


Courtney: Our conversation over exotic sausages and crisp cider is exciting. To think we are sitting at a table of so many creatives; photographers, interior designers, chefs, fashion stylists, illustrators, and graphic designers. It takes my breath away. Ideas bounce off the walls with fierceness; and all I can do is smile because these are my folks.


Ally: I've been longing for this little artist community for a while, and it's so exciting to be around so many energized people. We walked to the Venice General Store, which is fast becoming the inspiration for my being. 


Courtney: Wandering around Venice we naturally group ourselves into pairs. I listen to passing conversations and it fills me with warmth. Life can be hard enough as it is, even just with daily routine. I am thankful for the people I am surrounded by. They are my rocks.


Ally: We finally got into Gjelina!! OMG their panna cotta. I think I'm hungry because my portion of this blog is centered on food. I'm really in love with all my friends right now. They're moving and shaking, and inspiring me to do the same. 

by Ally and Courtney

daylight savings

by Ally


Last March, I was 8 months pregnant. I never believe that time flies, not until I set markers to compare. How has a year already passed? I feel like these past few weeks have brought us such enormous gifts - our little one is walking, talking, waving bye, sleeping through the night, sassing, so many things. I want to just EAT IT UP. Last March, I was organizing teeny tiny clothes with the biggest belly in the world. This year, I'm chasing this crazy (sometimes insane) baby around and trying to keep the house from absolutely falling apart. 

I try to make myself aware of the moments I'll look back on fondly. Next March, Luna babe will be almost two, and I'll warmly recall how she screamed with glee every time the swing went up, down, and crashed into mama. 

And the time will keep on flying. 
